
Best Insurance for Coronavirus?

What is the best life insurance for these uncertain times?

Unprecedented events have the ability to bring into scrutiny what is actually important in our lives. The coronavirus is certainly pushing people to revaluate everyday situations, whether it is health, finances, family, work and socialising, we find ourselves plummeted from normal to surreal in a matter of weeks.

We are not quite three months into 2020 and this year will go down in the archives as one of the most uncertain since the end of the wise elders’ era.

Currently, Europe remains the epicentre of the virus and insurance will be one of the first instances for many people to turn to.

What is happening right now in Italy fills us with dread has us questioning those fragile threads to health and life; no doubt, we are all worried about the future.

Some might take a positive outlook and see this as an opportunity, a challenge for our communities to join forces, whereby we can build an improved future with a healthy environment, one that reflects on the positives of this viral outbreak.

Unprecedented virus calls for specific financial thinking

For the most part, our children and we as adults have never witnessed or suffered strife, and this wartime effort to combine efforts to kill the virus show the true nature and colours of our friends and neighbours.

For the savers and financial planners amongst us, we might rely on our well-earned savings or insurance payouts to help us through these difficult times, whether it is life insurance, health insurance or income protection insurance.

The concept of insurance in these hard times allow many of us to emerge from catastrophe and avoid financial ruin, for example, savvy business owners may find it easier to make a comeback especially those with business interruption insurance.

Understanding exactly how your policy protects you is always important, but even more so in a time of this global pandemic.

Best life insurance cover for future financial planning

For the unfortunate few who do not have insurance or savings as a fall back in these tough times, this will serve as a wakeup call to take a look at specific insurance to protect from similar events in the future, whether it is for business owners, families or individuals.

Protecting our families, our businesses, our outgoings, and ourselves is a lesson we are learning. We hope that the UK government will step in with financial handouts, tax breaks, and loans to help those that are suffering the most, but now is the time to confront the uncertainties that will come in future years, long after this virus epidemic has ceased to exist.

Planning for the future has never been so pertinent

It looks as though the coronavirus crisis is here to stay for the immediate future, but it will serve as a bitter reminder of how important it is to have adequate insurance to cover losses brought on by such a grim disaster. Life Insurance remains a crucial financial product, providing protection for loved ones over the unknown.

Keep safe and keep washing those hands!

It is important to bear in mind that for most people who contract coronavirus go on to make a full recovery and the outlook is looking positive with the stringent measures in place to combat the virus. Keep safe and follow Government guidelines to help win this battle

In case you need advice on life insurance…

Don’t forget, you can complete our online form, and an adviser will call to discuss life insurance, find out what is relevant to your personal circumstances.

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LifeInsuranceCover Services Questions

When looking for the best life insurance cover or best life insurance policy it pays to speak to a professional advisor.  We get many calls daily with a myriad of different questions, all of which we manage to answer fully.  After all, when looking for an affordable life insurance cover it pays to speak to someone who knows the market fully and can give you impartial, no-obligation life insurance quotes plus great advice at the same time! One question we do get asked, a lot, is about tax payable on life insurance payouts, so we put together a quick blog to describe the process of finding the best life insurance and how to avoid the fearsome taxman!

UK Budget 2020 Will Not Affect Great LifeInsuranceCover Services

Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s first budget of 2020 is likely to look closely at the dreaded issue of Inheritance Tax, possibly one of the most contentious and unpopular taxes demanded by HMRC and totalled £5.4bn during the 2018/19 tax year.

When it comes to Life Insurance, the questions that most often raises its ugly head are “is Life Insurance benefit taxable?” and “is life insurance benefit subject to inheritance tax on death?”  Before answering those questions, let us take a look at why life insurance is so important for families.

Why do I need Life Insurance and Where to Find the Best Life Insurance?

We all need to realise the considerable importance and advantage of protecting loved ones financially should the worst-case scenario happen. Not only will those beloved family members have the heartache of losing a loved one, but also those additional pressures, those previously you dealt with together, that may prove overwhelming without you.

Helping them with the gift of life insurance protection provides financial peace of mind. Thus, easing the household finance responsibilities of paying the mortgage, everyday household bills and living expenses, debts and savings, school fees and college funds.  A life insurance policy will go a long way to making life a little easier for those left desolated and struggling to cope.

Speak to the Best LifeInsuranceCover Services Advisors for the Best Advice

The team at LifeInsuranceCover Services are firm advocates in planning for the unexpected and fully believe in the advantages of a life insurance policy.  One of the many queries clients ask when requiring advice is this question of the possibility of a tax bill when a loved one dies.  Our role is to help families plan for unseen eventualities and provide guidance on these complicated issues.  Rest assured that, in the vast majority of instances, when a person passes away and the beneficiary of their life insurance policy receives the benefit, this financial asset reflects as non-taxable income. Therefore, no tax falls due.

Nevertheless, a good advisor will let you know about any situations whereby the life insurance benefit may become the subject of taxable proceeds of which there are only a couple.  If for some reason the sums paid out by the life insurance company remain held by the insurance company for an extended period, then any interest earned is usually subject to tax.  This taxable income will only be on the interest, for example, a £200,000 benefit, held for say, six months, may accumulate £1,000 in interest. The taxman will scrutinise only this aspect of the figure. The original £200,000 of course still pays out to the beneficiary once released.

Pay No Inheritance Tax on Life Insurance Policy Payouts

Another, albeit rare, situation where HMRC might scrutinise the proceeds of a life insurance policy is where the payment is tied up within a beneficiary’s estate, for example, when a policyholder survives an intended recipient, and there is no one to pay.

Whosoever ultimately inherits the estate will benefit from the life insurance proceeds via the estate. The sum proportion of the estate reflecting the life insurance benefit may fall under the watchful eye of the taxman through inheritance tax and estate law.

Overall, there is no need to fear the taxman as life insurance payments generally falls into the right hands. However, it is worth making a note as to how to ensure your loved ones preserve the integrity of a life insurance policy payout, especially for valuable real estate and significant inheritance figures.

These rare scenarios can be avoided, and it is a good idea to examine the advantages of placing your life insurance policy in a trust.

The best life insurance policies placed in trust will ensure:

  • Clarity over any disputes about your wishes for your life insurance benefit, thus avoiding disputes or unworthy claims over your assets.
  • Circumvent any claim for inheritance tax by the taxman.
  • Speed up probate and payout quickly the benefit of your life insurance policy to those that need it.

Call us today to get friendly, up to date, accurate advice on Best Life Insurance Policies

Speak to an advisor today regarding the possibility of trusting your life insurance benefit into a legal agreement, known as a trust.  In this way, no matter what the outcome, the benefit of the life insurance policy remains fully protected from any other claim by the taxman or other body.


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Best Life Insurance Made Easy

Where to go if you are looking for the best life insurance?

Life insurance has come a long way since its inception way back in 1583 when a person by the name of William Gibbons became the first-ever recorded person to receive a life insurance policy. Without a doubt, London is still regarded as the most prominent location for best life insurance policies, ever since its high profile as an insurance hub during the 1700s. The following decades witnessed the life insurance market developing rapidly and globally to meet an ever-growing demand.

Initially, a luxury for the very rich, especially amongst professional circles of doctors, lawyers, clergymen and teachers. By 1850 in London alone there existed 180 life insurance companies. surely a testament to the recognised importance of life insurance within the UK.

A few terms that have kept their significance over the hundreds of years of life insurance:

Policyholder – The person who ultimately owns the life insurance policy. The policy is to insure himself and possibly someone else under the terms of his or her policy. For example, a husband may take out a life insurance policy to protect both himself and his wife, but he remains the policyholder.

Insured – The person whose life remains protected under the terms of the life insurance policy. Again, this can be more than one person, but usually, the insured and the policyholder are one person.

Beneficiary – the ultimate recipient of the benefit of the insurance policy as named by the policyholder. Most often, this is the wife or husband of the deceased, but often it can be a charity, an organisation or a child. It is possible to have more than one beneficiary of a life insurance policy.

Premiums – the payments that fall due to ensure the life insurance policy remains active and in force. More often, premiums fall due each month, but some policies allow the insured to make annual payments. It is essential to ensure prompt payment of premiums, to keep the policy in force.

What is the best life insurance policy today?

Today life insurance has grown to meet the demands of a nation of fit and healthy individuals, living for more extended periods, which is excellent news for premium affordability. Life insurance is no longer the domain of the rich. Premiums are easily affordable by everyone provided they meet the required criteria for age, lifestyle and fitness. In other words, the younger you are, the healthier you are, do not smoke, drink excessively or take part in dangerous activities, you can expect premiums to be very low!

The only question remains for many is, “what type of life insurance do I need?”

With a myriad of life insurance policy categories, providers, terms and options, it can be worrying and confusing when trawling the internet. However, this need not be the case if you use trusted and professional advisors specially trained to navigate the market on your behalf.

We have already discussed in detail the best life insurance policies available on the market, from the cheaper option of fixed-term life insurance to cover a mortgage or other debt, and a whole of life insurance policy, a less popular and more expensive option. However, today we thought we would highlight a particular aspect of life insurance that many find incomprehensible:

Increasing Term Life Insurance

Increasing term life insurance policies increase alongside inflation and rising living costs in line with the Retail Price Index. It comes with a variety of options depending on personal circumstances. It is essential to bear in mind that, even though this is an excellent type of life insurance, it may be expensive in the long term, as premiums will also increase in line with inflation. Increasing term life insurance is attractive to those who own vast estates, where future running costs and maintenance require thoughtful attention.

For most people with families, a mortgage and normal day-to-day living expenses, the popular and affordable option is the fixed-term life insurance policy.  This type of fixed-period policy set, for example for 25 years, provides maximum peace of mind for those years that the children are growing and the mortgage payments fall due each month.  A fixed-term life insurance policy can also be tailor-made to budget in other factors including for example debts, savings, college funds, and the usual day-to-day household expenses.

Whatever type of life insurance you eventually plump for, you know you are helping your loved ones cope in the devastating possibility of you passing away; whether through illness or an accident.

Life insurance brings peace of mind, knowing that dependents can take some comfort from the trauma of losing someone they love by avoiding the additional loss of the financial security that the loved one brought to the family.

Complete our fast and straightforward form to receive some expert and friendly advice today on what type of life insurance is the best for you.


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When is the best time to get life insurance?

Many people put off what is perhaps one of the most essential financial investments in their lives.

Life Insurance!

For most, it is merely a case of:

  • Not knowing what the best life insurance policy is
  • What age to take out life insurance
  • How to find the best life insurance policy online

However, the excuses take over and, before they know it, the time has passed by, and that essential life insurance policy has slipped through their fingers.  Because the best time to get life insurance is when you are young and healthy.  When you are young is the best time as policies are generally cheaper and offer great value for money.

Our clients often ask us “why do I need life insurance” when I am young and healthy?

Our answer is usually the same – you need life insurance if you have a family, a mortgage, and bills to pay. You also need it if your family relies on you for the majority of the family outgoings.

Think about it; if you pass away when your partner and children depend on you, how will they cope when you are not around?

Even the most straightforward and cheapest life insurance will ensure paying off the remaining mortgage term.  Additional add-ons to your policy at competitive prices will provide a lump sum to help with:

  • Day-to-day living costs
  • Childcare
  • Funeral expenses
  • Savings and university funds
  • Other outgoings

The financial benefit of life insurance can ease that awful impact when a loved one dies.

Not having the burden of worrying about immediate financial commitments goes a long way to lessen the anxieties of moving on from grief.  Surviving family members will appreciate a maintained standard of living that life insurance brings when the primary breadwinner passes away.

Statistics are not clear, but one thing is certain:

“ in 2015, 23,600 parents died in the UK, leaving dependent children (23,200 in 2014). That’s one parent every 22 minutes.” (Source: http://www.childhoodbereavementnetwork.org.uk/research/key-statistics.aspx)

With so many options and add on features and our comprehensive team of advisers can help you chose the exact life insurance products.  We take into account your budget and family needs or circumstances when providing competitive life insurance quotes.

We have covered the major life insurance policies in our series “Types of Life Insurance” but rest assured our team can advise you which is the best life insurance policy for you.

Protecting loved ones need not be a complicated process; we are here to help navigate the life insurance market, compare quotes for you and make choosing life insurance a simple exercise. Simply complete our online form to receive a call from one of our friendly team of advisors, and learn about the different options available.   We have a specialist team, helping you to make appropriate and affordable life insurance choices.

What you need to tell us when looking for life insurance. 

Honesty is essential.

If you are a smoker, have a risky job or hobby, have a pre-existing condition.

Such issues will not always result in refusal but may affect your premiums. Even if something seems trivial to you, it may become an issue at the point of a claim, so make sure you divulge everything when asked. For most cases, we can provide specialist cover to ensure you and your family receive full protection.

When planning life insurance, both parents need to sit down and discuss the impact should one of them die.  Although it may appear evident that the breadwinner is the most important, a stay at home parent has equal value.  Take into account the escalating costs of childcare, and ensure this aspect is covered.

Our team of advisors will talk through the various options to ensure you are fully covered.   Simply click the button below, fill in the quick and easy form, and a member of the team will be in touch.

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Brexit – What Happens Next?

It is official; after many years of deal-making and breaking, House of Commons bickering and last-minute elections, the UK has finally kept its promise and left the European Union. On 31st January 2020, people flocked to the streets all over Europe to witness history, with UK and EU flags lowered across Europe.

The day of 1st February dawned on a new UK journey to a full withdrawal from the EU, from a single market, customs union and freedom of movement. Over the course of the following 12 months, citizens of the UK will experience very little change to their everyday habits, with the entire country in a limbo situation while the powers that be thrash out the finer details of full withdrawal and, hopefully, a deal to suit everyone. Effectively the UK will continue to follow the EU rules and regulations but have no say in them.

Sometimes it takes a monumental political shift to make people sit up and take stock of their finances, and Brexit is one such opportunity. Looking freshly at the different kinds of savings, pensions, insurance policies, and financial investments are essential now more than ever to take stock of what, if any, changes mean for such these different financial assets and how career and retirement goals may change with Brexit.

Pensions – at least over the course of the next 12 months, nothing much will change, rest assured pensions are protected both at home in the UK and many member states. If you are one of the lucky ones living in sunnier climates like Spain or Portugal, provided you have full legal residency in that EU country before the end of 2020 your pension has the continued protection from current EU regulations now and beyond withdrawal.

This protection applies to pension rates and any freezing or capping of pensions. For anyone relocating to an EU country post-Brexit 12-month transitionary period, these financial issues remain uncertain, and rules are subject to change, depending on where you live and any Brexit deal.  The likelihood is that any savings or insurance policies you have will be subject to the particular rules of the country you live in.

If your retirement is imminent and you hope to live in one of the EU countries, you may want to bring your plans forward and settle in your country of choice before any potential barriers arise. Post-Brexit, you will probably have to abide by each country’s stricter residency requirements.

Life Insurance – the best life insurance companies provide a list of precautions and advisory tips on how to protect your life insurance policies and premiums. Of course, the UK is still in Brexit turmoil while awaiting the result of further negotiations to secure a deal. The hard work commences averting the uncertainties of a no-deal scenario, hopefully.

In any event, the UK life insurance market remains a strong one, due to strict UK regulations in place. As a result, life insurance comes into its own as a crucial investment. We recommend life insurance as financial security for loved ones with cover to protect mortgage payments, debts, savings and funeral costs. Brexit has no implications on life insurance policies at home in the UK, only when planning to leave the UK to live abroad. As always, taking out cover when the individual is young and healthy keeps those life insurance premiums low.

Health Insurance – health insurance is a hot topic in the UK right now as a direct result of Brexit. It started with leaks about the future of the National Health Service and, very quickly,  people began looking at private medical insurance. The Government has gone to great pains to alleviate worries about the NHS, but still, the attraction of private medical insurance gains momentum. Again, for those worried, private medical insurance is an affordable option for many people, and the benefits gained are appealing, including advanced treatment options, less waiting times and improved hospital facilities.

Overall, despite fears of a no-deal Brexit at the end of 2020, there is a definite feeling that excellent opportunities exist for future financial planning and investment. We always advocate consulting experienced advisors for any future overseas investment, to spread any risk and diversify where necessary, especially in light of fluctuating exchange rates. For new ventures, the general advice by advisors is to wait until the transitionary period ends.

At home, and across the European Union, there will be little change as regards living, working and travelling for the next 12 months. The only notable point is the value of the pound and its fluctuations. However, compared to 2016 and the referendum result, sterling has gathered strength. Until we have a conclusive future deal, the pound will continue on a volatile journey. The UK Government are working hard towards a deal that promotes a healthy UK economy, and we are confident that this sensitive situation will remedy itself once we have certainty in future trading agreements.

The vital reminder is think ahead to post-2020 and take on board the uncertainties we are experiencing today. We are keeping an ear to the ground with regards to post-transition discussions, and we will endeavour to keep our readers up to date with any notable bureaucratic requirements and any financial and administrative issues that come to light.

One financial aspect not in jeopardy due to Brexit is life insurance, your policy remains safe with our trusted team of life insurance experts and you can get advice, a quote or an update to an existing policy via our easy to use form.

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The best life insurance for intrepid explorers?

What we mean is “the best life insurance for going on holidays?”

It is incredible the number of holiday advertisements appearing on our televisions the moment Christmas and New Year is over.

The advertising agencies know a person’s psyche that a holiday immediately after Christmas is what everyone needs, wants, and many of us are planning where to go right now. More than anything else, looking online at those warmer climates, luxury hotels, white sandy beaches and sparkling blue swimming pools. Perfect images to cheer us up during those mid-January blues.

Booking flights, hotels, packing a suitcase full to bursting. The lead up is the easy and fun part. Checking off the list of necessities; passport? check; boarding passes? check. How many of us forget the one crucial envelope marked “insurance”?

Check out the best life insurance policy before travelling

Ensuring your insurance policies are all in place, up to date, and valid is one of the most sensible, if not the most practical approach before travelling. We also need to take on board all the things that might go wrong, and falling ill or suffering an accident abroad is more common than people realise. Luckily, for most couples or families, one person in the group will possess the necessary insight to pack this essential item of holiday paraphernalia.

In light of the recent coronavirus outbreak, it is even more prudent to check the terms of your insurance policies. Determine which insurance package will cover you in the event of an emergency, and especially check for exclusion terms. Ask yourself the question “is my life insurance policy valid abroad?”

Travel and the best life insurance

Firstly, an explanation of what exactly is life insurance. Depending on what type of life insurance policy you have, the goal of life insurance is to ensure loved ones have financial security if the policyholder should pass away.

A life insurance policy will, among other things: payout a lump sum to help with the following:

  • ever-escalating funeral expenses
  • pay the remainder of the mortgage
  • pay off existing debts
  • provide day-to-day financial security

Scoot over to our previous blog explaining all the different types of life insurance policies that exist.

The best life insurance while on holiday

Checking your policy is vital before travelling. Most life insurance policies will cover you when travelling. Still, there may be some exclusions, especially when the globe is in the clutches of a viral epidemic or other gripping disaster or terrorist threat. Your life insurance policy may render invalid any claims made while travelling to any of the countries on a UK “exclusion list.”

Excluded countries may also render invalid any other insurance policies relied upon. For example, medical insurance, travel insurance for lost luggage, damaged items, plus various different types of claims commonly made under travel insurance policies.

Apart from avoiding countries with deadly pandemics and regular terrorist situations, certain activities taken while on holiday will need careful consideration.

For example, scuba diving, paragliding, skydiving, any extreme or hazardous pursuits while on holiday. These will most likely require separate policies to ensure full protection against accidents or death. You may already have this covered if you partake in dangerous sporting activities regularly and providing your insurance company is aware of this.

It never harms to get on the phone and double-check that you have the necessary cover for specific sporting activities when abroad. Especially if you plan to climb to the tip of a burning inferno, gallop camels across the desert or free dive with sharks! Even skiing has more than its fair share of risks. It may be that your insurer will want to check safety credentials and professional certification of the organisers involved. We cannot emphasise enough the importance of ensuring all your insurance policies are up to date, including life insurance for travelling abroad.

Have peace of mind knowing you are covered, and then you are good to go.

The UK Government, in light of previous terrorist attacks and the current coronavirus outbreak, urges holidaymakers to take specific precautions before travelling. For an up to date checklist and advice, visit their web page here.

Whatever your holiday plans are this year, there is a lot to consider, with viruses, terrorism, Brexit, etc. Any information about travelling is located on the Government link above, with regular updates.

We hope that your holiday will go smoothly, without incident. Staying away from sharks and volcanoes will help! Having appropriate travel insurance together with life insurance is a smart move. It will protect you and your loved ones in a worst-case scenario.

If you are young and fit and you do not have life insurance, now is the time to consider a policy while it is cheap to do so. If you are planning a holiday and don’t have life insurance contact a representative today to discuss getting covered and the benefits of life insurance while abroad.

Relax; enjoy your holiday without worrying, but remember – life insurance is not just for the holiday season, but also for the long term.


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Biometrics for Best Life Insurance Products?

Does the Best Life Insurance need Smart Hats and Age Progression Algorithms?

In a rapidly evolving environment of data-driven technologies, we start to wonder how life insurance needs to change to keep up in terms of digital technology for this sector. Already, the best life insurance companies are using technology to harvest useful, high-quality data, essential for research and development.

Data collection and machine learning go a long way to helping the life insurance industry gain meaningful insights into customer habits, especially in terms of health and lifestyle. The best life insurance companies can then go onto develop customised products and services and improve overall customer satisfaction from policy inception to claim stage.

Certainly, biometrics, artificial intelligence and algorithms go into new products, including those products which track lifestyles and health data and provide recommendations to reduce risks to certain illnesses and diseases.  

Research and Development to Create the Best Life Insurance Policies

Emerging insurance tech start-ups put forward some promising scientific research and ideas to future improve clients’ health and wellbeing and, ultimately, maintain affordable premiums.  This momentum for future generation technology is speeding.  Soon there will be options to personalise life and health products using digital solutions, in turn providing improved products and value for money.

Innovative products developed from algorithms that harness the power of big data and enables a new era of efficiency with the handling of risk assessment and claims processing. This type of technology improves the diagnosing of illness, in turn, reducing the requirement for invasive medical examinations and provides accurate premium values, speedy processes and fraud prevention.

Let us look at some of these exciting products that will revolutionise the life insurance market and provide better access for people who might otherwise be refused or expected to pay higher premiums.

Will our Fitness Gadgets Pave the Way to Cheap Life Insurance Premiums?

Head to toe, preventative and wearable tech is sweeping the world with its innovative products. A complete outfit, from smart hats, fitness-tracking underwear, stylish smartwatches and Fitbits, smart anklets and calorie counting trainers. While these items lean more towards an arranged marriage between fitness and fashion, tech companies across the globe are producing innovative features specifically for the health market.

An exciting Paris based health Tech Company, Chronolife is leading the way in disruptive technology specifically for healthcare patients and practitioners. Their most recent and groundbreaking invention is a smart, washable t-shirt cutely named Nexkin. The t-shirt comprises ten biometric scanners to continuously monitor and record heart rate and rhythm, breathing, body temperature and level of physical activity. The t-shirt works alongside the user’s smartphone, and the data transmitted via Bluetooth enables accurate health alerts and insights. 

Simply breathtaking in terms of medical advancement.  This type of innovation combined with future technologies, for example, the rolling out of 5G, will mean an awful lot in terms of remote health care, surgical operations and emergency treatments.  

Without doubt, wearable tech is a welcome addition to the insurance industry, whether it is to improve general health and fitness or detect early signs of high blood pressure, heart attacks or strokes. Big data is driving innovation, but it remains a contentious privacy issue, with many people against the collection of data to sell products. The future of improved life insurance products depends on people readily opting into the sharing of their data to enable faster application processing, claim handling and cheaper premiums.

Emerging technologies may sound a little too science fiction rather than useful tools for life insurance. One example is a biometric age assessment tool, currently in development, using facial analytical software to determine when a person might die! We are not sure exactly how life insurance companies will adopt this type of artificial intelligence and biometric health screening because the adage “ignorance is bliss” applies equally to customers and product providers! 

Contact us today to experience a relatively non-tech, normal process towards competitive life insurance quotes.

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All I want for Christmas is a life insurance policy

(and maybe a DNA testing kit)

Following on with our series on  what are the best life insurance products, we thought that, as it is coming up to Christmas, rather than examine a specific life insurance policy or product, we wanted to indulge in some fun facts and interesting trivia surrounding the life insurance market.

Furthermore, today’s feature blog stands out as our Christmas special. As the team starts looking forward to a well-earned Christmas break, regardless of creed or ideology, the holiday is a time to relax and be with a family or use the time to indulge in hobbies or other pursuits. 

Christmas gifts that might affect your life insurance premiums

Kicking off with an interesting topic, we look at the current trend of DNA testing across the world, where you simply spit on a stick, send this off to one of the numerous DNA testing organisations cropping up everywhere, and find out all sorts of interesting information. With the science of genotyping, be prepared to learn a great deal regarding your heritage, ancestry and, not just the family tree, but also (and perhaps worryingly) any predispositions you may have to health-related illnesses.  We have it on good authority that a DNA testing kit makes for a modern and quite interesting Christmas gift!  But how does this affect life insurance?

Good to know? Is there a history in your family of inherited diseases

How would you feel if one of these kits appeared in your Christmas stocking? On the one hand, it may be argued that having access to certain health predispositions helps us greatly with making good choices regarding diet, thus enabling preventative care to avoid increased chances of developing certain family-related cancers, heart conditions or mental health tendencies. We are talking about diseases that literally run in the family. According to the American DNA testing company Genetic Concept they can provide a list of over 100 health issues. While not every illness will apply to you, maybe it would be good to know if you are inclined towards heart attacks, diabetes or Parkinson’s disease. 

Did you even know you were allergic to whatever?

Furthermore, additional services include disclosure of allergies, picked up from your DNA. They will recommend how to improve your lifestyle to mitigate potential illnesses caused by such allergies. Diet, for example, plays a huge role in our health. The benefit of DNA testing for health reasons can identify those devious food groups that cause problems.  For many sufferers, having the knowledge to eliminate foods causing problems, for example, dairy, legumes or eggs, is invaluable.

Health, Life Insurance and Critical Illness – make good choices

Conversely, for many people, ignorance is bliss, and not knowing that you might die in a couple of years is preferable to recognising the truth about one’s health! On the other hand, awareness allows us to improve our health and well-being. Awareness allows us to increase our resistance to disease by adapting better lifestyle choices; taking preventative action and avoiding as much as possible any risks that may hasten pre-existing health issues. 

Sharing the test results is not necessary

Have you wondered how the sudden awareness of any health-related results affect life insurance, critical illness and health insurance premiums? Do you have to disclose a sudden awareness surrounding your health? The fact that you have found out about these worrying propensities to family-related diseases, allergies or existing illnesses, does this, in turn, require you to report the findings to your insurance company?

Actually, no you do not have to do that.

Not now nor in the future.

This is due to the UK Government Code that dictates to all insurers in the UK – thanks to this code, insurance companies are not to put existing or future applicants under any pressure to a) subject themselves to any genetic testing and b) disclose any results obtained from a DNA organisation.

This code is succinct in its direction and the Government publication is available to view here. There is one disease that falls outside of the Code, and that is Huntingdon’s Disease and where cover is required over £500,000, but only if the insurance company ask for this information. For more information on Huntingdon’s disease and DNA testing take a look at this publication from the Association of British Insurers.

The best life insurance policy is not subject to a DNA health test

In summary, our article today focuses on the advantages of DNA testing, i.e. to discover more about our background, heritage and the mix of health related issues that we might not be aware of.  One thing is sure, we do not have to worry how the results might affect our insurance premiums. 

While many of us prefer not to know what the future has in store for us in terms of health issues, some of us, especially those of us with a history of family health-related problems, may wish to determine what our chances are of contracting these diseases, and how we can go about mitigating any possibility of falling ill. Hopefully, we can beat them into submission before they have a chance to creep upon us. 

Most importantly, we are not obliged to share any information gleaned from DNA testing with our insurance companies, now or in the future.

Happy holidays to all of our customers and we look forward to bringing you more interesting life insurance facts and trivia in 2020!




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Do I need critical Illness cover?

Over the past few weeks, we have looked at the various types of life insurance policies available and what life insurance is the best for people – taking into consideration various factors, such as, joint life insurance, decreasing life insurance, fixed term life insurance. There are so many life insurance policies to choose from, we felt it important to highlight the most common types.

Is critical illness important, can I just rely on life insurance?

Part four in our life insurance series, we look not at life insurance but rather a bolt-on for added protection.  Today’s blog is looking at specifically critical illness cover. Critical illness as a financial investment evades many people as it is often misunderstood or overlooked as an important element of family finances. We receive many questions at the LifeInsuranceCover Services office so the team has put together a few pointers for customers, examining how they can combine this cover with life insurance to provide crucial financial assistance when the worst scenario happens.

Many people make the sound financial choice of life insurance, ensuring that their loved ones remain financially protected in the event of their passing away. We already talked about the differing types of life insurance policies here so today is all about that frequently asked question: “should I have critical illness cover?”

Most people understand that life insurance protects our loved ones should we die. Most importantly, life insurance provides a cleared mortgage, perhaps a lump sum factored into future proof living costs; household bills, shopping, childcare and college funds.

Life insurance combined with critical illness gives strong protection

We talked about “illness denial” in an earlier blog. It is perhaps an anomaly to plan our finances beyond our death, but not plan for a situation where illness takes us out of the workplace and into our sick beds, perhaps for a long period and often a scenario more common than one of us dying. What happens to our finances when we are too sick to work?

This is where critical illness cover comes into its own. A critical illness policy provides cover for a list of different illnesses ranging from various types of cancer to dementia.

With more and more people becoming self-employed, statistics show that 1 in 5 aims to become self-employed in the future and women are a growing statistic in this scenario, it is extremely important to consider a bolt-on such as critical illness protection existing life insurance policies.

How does critical illness cover work?

Critical illness insurance pays out a lump sum on diagnosis of a wide expanse of illnesses and conditions enabling the insured to sustain their living expenses and outgoing finances while off work. Policies can cover everything from suffering a stroke to a broken wrist.  Basically, anything that will keep you off work for a lengthy period.

Illnesses typically include serious cancers such as prostate cancer, cancers of the bowel, colon and rectum, these being among the most common critical illness claims suffered by the male population. Other critical illness claims include heart attack and organ failure, multiple sclerosis, loss of vision/hearing, loss of limbs, stroke, plus many more. It is very important to check potential new policy documents to make sure you are fully aware of the list of illnesses, and any exclusions.

Advantages of critical illness cover

In the same concept that life insurance protects our loved ones if we die, having critical illness cover in place protects the family from a financial crisis should the main breadwinner be off sick for a prolonged period. Illness and injury are likely to occur more so than death, so planning for the unexpected is more than a good idea, it is providing peace of mind for the policyholder, not only financially but with added support, allowing him or her to concentrate on getting well and back to work again.  Many insurers provide automatically extra benefits when a policy is taken out, including support services and automatic critical illness for any children of the family, applicable from birth.  Check out the range of insurers that offer these extras and more, by calling one of our team today.

How much is critical illness cover?

Many people think critical illness cover is expensive, but it need not be. With a range of policies and providers, allowing customers to scour the market and compare prices for critical illness policies, the offerings are immense and there is a policy to suit every person and budget. Getting covered early, before the life-changing events such as buying a house, getting married, having a child, will drive those premiums down even lower.

The conclusion is that nobody needs to go without critical illness cover and the risks that people face of becoming ill and unable to get to work confirm the crucial requirements of cover.

Speak to an adviser today to find out more about how a critical illness policy can offer peace of mind and support for you and your family.

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Part Three – Whole of LifeInsuranceCover Services

In our previous two weeks, we have discussed various options of life insurance, including fixed term, decreasing term and joint life policies. These are policies that last for a length of time suitable to the policyholder, for example, to cover the duration of a mortgage, or longer to provide help with university fees or other such financial obligations. In any event, many people find the excess of available policies confusing. They may not have the right policy for their particular circumstances. 

Who needs a whole of life insurance cover?

In today’s part three of our five-part series, we can look at a rather obscure life insurance policy. A whole of life is a policy that will only suit a small portion of the population due to its peculiarities. 

What does a whole of life insurance policy entail? 

A whole of live policy covers an individual for the whole of their life, with a guaranteed payout upon death, albeit at 20 years of age or 120 years of age!

A whole of life insurance policy is life insurance in its purest, most authentic sense. It is a policy that will not expire in the same respect of that of the more popular and general fixed or decreasing term insurance.

For wealthy individuals, in particular, a whole of life policy has a great many financial advantages. For example, it has an option for index linking in line with inflation, and extra security to cover any inheritance tax liability sure to fall due when you die. 

What is the best whole of life insurance policy?

Whole of life has some advantages and, as described above, is popular for individuals who preside over large estates. Another scenario where a whole of life policy is required is in business, also known as key man (or key person.) It covers business partners by companies who would struggle without a “key person”. In the case of key person insurance, there are options to fix the term and to offer a whole of life policy. In any event, it is separate from personal life insurance. It is a way to prevent spouses from having to deal with the business upon the death of the businessperson. Ultimately, the policy is owned and paid for by the company. The insurance allows the company to purchase the deceased person’s shares as well as cover any income lost to the company in the event of the death of the key person.

Are there any advantages of a whole of life insurance policy?

Regardless of the reasons for requiring a whole of life policy, the monthly premiums are costly, and with an abundance of investment options on the market today, are less popular than they were in the 1980s when there was a range of index-linked options to invest funds in the form of monthly premiums and cash in for lump sums. Those policies taken out in the 1980s may be unsustainable today, especially if the policy is one of the many that become subject to reviews. Those subject to reviews when the policyholder reaches 60, for example, may see premiums double. Failure to keep up with premiums, of course, will void the insurance. Today, many policyholders who thought a whole of life policy a good idea back in the 1980s are finding themselves in a difficult situation. Many face unaffordable premiums at a time where a new life insurance policy is unattainable due to age or ill-health.

Other factors that have led to their unpopularity is the range of alternative life insurance options including over 50s and funeral plans. Hence, when a reasonably priced life insurance policy comes to a natural end, there are several alternatives for seniors. Many policies offer competitive prices, allowing individuals to plan for financial security for loved ones. Such plans ensure that loved ones can manage crippling funeral costs with a well-put-together funeral plan. An over 50s policy is a lovely way to bequeath a financial gift as a welcome inheritance, and a pleasant surprise, and goes a long way to ease the burden of losing a loved one.

Get professional advice on what is the best insurance policy for you

Whichever insurance policy you are thinking about, be it whole of life, over 50s, or a funeral plan, speak to a professional advisor today. Get advice on how to find out which policy will suit your circumstances. If you are concerned about inheritance tax, make sure you get professional information about putting your policy into a trust. Our advisors can guide you on this, avoiding probate and ensuring your dependants have a stress free access to finances and avoiding inheritance tax.

Click on the link below to speak to one of our expert advisors, and tune in next week for part four where we will discuss in greater depth policies for over 50s and funeral plans.


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