
All I want for Christmas is a life insurance policy

(and maybe a DNA testing kit)

Following on with our series on  what are the best life insurance products, we thought that, as it is coming up to Christmas, rather than examine a specific life insurance policy or product, we wanted to indulge in some fun facts and interesting trivia surrounding the life insurance market.

Furthermore, today’s feature blog stands out as our Christmas special. As the team starts looking forward to a well-earned Christmas break, regardless of creed or ideology, the holiday is a time to relax and be with a family or use the time to indulge in hobbies or other pursuits. 

Christmas gifts that might affect your life insurance premiums

Kicking off with an interesting topic, we look at the current trend of DNA testing across the world, where you simply spit on a stick, send this off to one of the numerous DNA testing organisations cropping up everywhere, and find out all sorts of interesting information. With the science of genotyping, be prepared to learn a great deal regarding your heritage, ancestry and, not just the family tree, but also (and perhaps worryingly) any predispositions you may have to health-related illnesses.  We have it on good authority that a DNA testing kit makes for a modern and quite interesting Christmas gift!  But how does this affect life insurance?

Good to know? Is there a history in your family of inherited diseases

How would you feel if one of these kits appeared in your Christmas stocking? On the one hand, it may be argued that having access to certain health predispositions helps us greatly with making good choices regarding diet, thus enabling preventative care to avoid increased chances of developing certain family-related cancers, heart conditions or mental health tendencies. We are talking about diseases that literally run in the family. According to the American DNA testing company Genetic Concept they can provide a list of over 100 health issues. While not every illness will apply to you, maybe it would be good to know if you are inclined towards heart attacks, diabetes or Parkinson’s disease. 

Did you even know you were allergic to whatever?

Furthermore, additional services include disclosure of allergies, picked up from your DNA. They will recommend how to improve your lifestyle to mitigate potential illnesses caused by such allergies. Diet, for example, plays a huge role in our health. The benefit of DNA testing for health reasons can identify those devious food groups that cause problems.  For many sufferers, having the knowledge to eliminate foods causing problems, for example, dairy, legumes or eggs, is invaluable.

Health, Life Insurance and Critical Illness – make good choices

Conversely, for many people, ignorance is bliss, and not knowing that you might die in a couple of years is preferable to recognising the truth about one’s health! On the other hand, awareness allows us to improve our health and well-being. Awareness allows us to increase our resistance to disease by adapting better lifestyle choices; taking preventative action and avoiding as much as possible any risks that may hasten pre-existing health issues. 

Sharing the test results is not necessary

Have you wondered how the sudden awareness of any health-related results affect life insurance, critical illness and health insurance premiums? Do you have to disclose a sudden awareness surrounding your health? The fact that you have found out about these worrying propensities to family-related diseases, allergies or existing illnesses, does this, in turn, require you to report the findings to your insurance company?

Actually, no you do not have to do that.

Not now nor in the future.

This is due to the UK Government Code that dictates to all insurers in the UK – thanks to this code, insurance companies are not to put existing or future applicants under any pressure to a) subject themselves to any genetic testing and b) disclose any results obtained from a DNA organisation.

This code is succinct in its direction and the Government publication is available to view here. There is one disease that falls outside of the Code, and that is Huntingdon’s Disease and where cover is required over £500,000, but only if the insurance company ask for this information. For more information on Huntingdon’s disease and DNA testing take a look at this publication from the Association of British Insurers.

The best life insurance policy is not subject to a DNA health test

In summary, our article today focuses on the advantages of DNA testing, i.e. to discover more about our background, heritage and the mix of health related issues that we might not be aware of.  One thing is sure, we do not have to worry how the results might affect our insurance premiums. 

While many of us prefer not to know what the future has in store for us in terms of health issues, some of us, especially those of us with a history of family health-related problems, may wish to determine what our chances are of contracting these diseases, and how we can go about mitigating any possibility of falling ill. Hopefully, we can beat them into submission before they have a chance to creep upon us. 

Most importantly, we are not obliged to share any information gleaned from DNA testing with our insurance companies, now or in the future.

Happy holidays to all of our customers and we look forward to bringing you more interesting life insurance facts and trivia in 2020!




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Do I need critical Illness cover?

Over the past few weeks, we have looked at the various types of life insurance policies available and what life insurance is the best for people – taking into consideration various factors, such as, joint life insurance, decreasing life insurance, fixed term life insurance. There are so many life insurance policies to choose from, we felt it important to highlight the most common types.

Is critical illness important, can I just rely on life insurance?

Part four in our life insurance series, we look not at life insurance but rather a bolt-on for added protection.  Today’s blog is looking at specifically critical illness cover. Critical illness as a financial investment evades many people as it is often misunderstood or overlooked as an important element of family finances. We receive many questions at the LifeInsuranceCover Services office so the team has put together a few pointers for customers, examining how they can combine this cover with life insurance to provide crucial financial assistance when the worst scenario happens.

Many people make the sound financial choice of life insurance, ensuring that their loved ones remain financially protected in the event of their passing away. We already talked about the differing types of life insurance policies here so today is all about that frequently asked question: “should I have critical illness cover?”

Most people understand that life insurance protects our loved ones should we die. Most importantly, life insurance provides a cleared mortgage, perhaps a lump sum factored into future proof living costs; household bills, shopping, childcare and college funds.

Life insurance combined with critical illness gives strong protection

We talked about “illness denial” in an earlier blog. It is perhaps an anomaly to plan our finances beyond our death, but not plan for a situation where illness takes us out of the workplace and into our sick beds, perhaps for a long period and often a scenario more common than one of us dying. What happens to our finances when we are too sick to work?

This is where critical illness cover comes into its own. A critical illness policy provides cover for a list of different illnesses ranging from various types of cancer to dementia.

With more and more people becoming self-employed, statistics show that 1 in 5 aims to become self-employed in the future and women are a growing statistic in this scenario, it is extremely important to consider a bolt-on such as critical illness protection existing life insurance policies.

How does critical illness cover work?

Critical illness insurance pays out a lump sum on diagnosis of a wide expanse of illnesses and conditions enabling the insured to sustain their living expenses and outgoing finances while off work. Policies can cover everything from suffering a stroke to a broken wrist.  Basically, anything that will keep you off work for a lengthy period.

Illnesses typically include serious cancers such as prostate cancer, cancers of the bowel, colon and rectum, these being among the most common critical illness claims suffered by the male population. Other critical illness claims include heart attack and organ failure, multiple sclerosis, loss of vision/hearing, loss of limbs, stroke, plus many more. It is very important to check potential new policy documents to make sure you are fully aware of the list of illnesses, and any exclusions.

Advantages of critical illness cover

In the same concept that life insurance protects our loved ones if we die, having critical illness cover in place protects the family from a financial crisis should the main breadwinner be off sick for a prolonged period. Illness and injury are likely to occur more so than death, so planning for the unexpected is more than a good idea, it is providing peace of mind for the policyholder, not only financially but with added support, allowing him or her to concentrate on getting well and back to work again.  Many insurers provide automatically extra benefits when a policy is taken out, including support services and automatic critical illness for any children of the family, applicable from birth.  Check out the range of insurers that offer these extras and more, by calling one of our team today.

How much is critical illness cover?

Many people think critical illness cover is expensive, but it need not be. With a range of policies and providers, allowing customers to scour the market and compare prices for critical illness policies, the offerings are immense and there is a policy to suit every person and budget. Getting covered early, before the life-changing events such as buying a house, getting married, having a child, will drive those premiums down even lower.

The conclusion is that nobody needs to go without critical illness cover and the risks that people face of becoming ill and unable to get to work confirm the crucial requirements of cover.

Speak to an adviser today to find out more about how a critical illness policy can offer peace of mind and support for you and your family.

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Part Three – Whole of LifeInsuranceCover Services

In our previous two weeks, we have discussed various options of life insurance, including fixed term, decreasing term and joint life policies. These are policies that last for a length of time suitable to the policyholder, for example, to cover the duration of a mortgage, or longer to provide help with university fees or other such financial obligations. In any event, many people find the excess of available policies confusing. They may not have the right policy for their particular circumstances. 

Who needs a whole of life insurance cover?

In today’s part three of our five-part series, we can look at a rather obscure life insurance policy. A whole of life is a policy that will only suit a small portion of the population due to its peculiarities. 

What does a whole of life insurance policy entail? 

A whole of live policy covers an individual for the whole of their life, with a guaranteed payout upon death, albeit at 20 years of age or 120 years of age!

A whole of life insurance policy is life insurance in its purest, most authentic sense. It is a policy that will not expire in the same respect of that of the more popular and general fixed or decreasing term insurance.

For wealthy individuals, in particular, a whole of life policy has a great many financial advantages. For example, it has an option for index linking in line with inflation, and extra security to cover any inheritance tax liability sure to fall due when you die. 

What is the best whole of life insurance policy?

Whole of life has some advantages and, as described above, is popular for individuals who preside over large estates. Another scenario where a whole of life policy is required is in business, also known as key man (or key person.) It covers business partners by companies who would struggle without a “key person”. In the case of key person insurance, there are options to fix the term and to offer a whole of life policy. In any event, it is separate from personal life insurance. It is a way to prevent spouses from having to deal with the business upon the death of the businessperson. Ultimately, the policy is owned and paid for by the company. The insurance allows the company to purchase the deceased person’s shares as well as cover any income lost to the company in the event of the death of the key person.

Are there any advantages of a whole of life insurance policy?

Regardless of the reasons for requiring a whole of life policy, the monthly premiums are costly, and with an abundance of investment options on the market today, are less popular than they were in the 1980s when there was a range of index-linked options to invest funds in the form of monthly premiums and cash in for lump sums. Those policies taken out in the 1980s may be unsustainable today, especially if the policy is one of the many that become subject to reviews. Those subject to reviews when the policyholder reaches 60, for example, may see premiums double. Failure to keep up with premiums, of course, will void the insurance. Today, many policyholders who thought a whole of life policy a good idea back in the 1980s are finding themselves in a difficult situation. Many face unaffordable premiums at a time where a new life insurance policy is unattainable due to age or ill-health.

Other factors that have led to their unpopularity is the range of alternative life insurance options including over 50s and funeral plans. Hence, when a reasonably priced life insurance policy comes to a natural end, there are several alternatives for seniors. Many policies offer competitive prices, allowing individuals to plan for financial security for loved ones. Such plans ensure that loved ones can manage crippling funeral costs with a well-put-together funeral plan. An over 50s policy is a lovely way to bequeath a financial gift as a welcome inheritance, and a pleasant surprise, and goes a long way to ease the burden of losing a loved one.

Get professional advice on what is the best insurance policy for you

Whichever insurance policy you are thinking about, be it whole of life, over 50s, or a funeral plan, speak to a professional advisor today. Get advice on how to find out which policy will suit your circumstances. If you are concerned about inheritance tax, make sure you get professional information about putting your policy into a trust. Our advisors can guide you on this, avoiding probate and ensuring your dependants have a stress free access to finances and avoiding inheritance tax.

Click on the link below to speak to one of our expert advisors, and tune in next week for part four where we will discuss in greater depth policies for over 50s and funeral plans.


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Part two – What is a joint life insurance policy?

Part two of our five-part series, coming to you from our regular blogger Tracy Morgan, who today explains the benefits and disadvantages of joint life insurance policies.

Why should I consider joint life insurance?

Tightening the financial household belt may often be to the detriment of life insurance cover. We discussed previously the phenomenon of “illness denial” where people bury their heads in the sand and hope that serious, life-threatening illnesses will avoid them. However, when the worst-case scenario does occur, a partner or spouse will most certainly be devastated, both financially and emotionally. Taking out life insurance will protect those you love in such awful circumstances, giving you and your dependants some level of financial security if you were to pass away.

Is joint life insurance cheaper than single life insurance?

A joint policy is one affordable option to consider when, financially, life insurance appears an unwanted expense. A joint policy covers two people under one life insurance policy, but its cheapness reflects a few issues that policyholders need to bear in mind. 

Looking at specific requirements as a couple will help determine if a joint life insurance policy works well for you. 

Circumstances in which a joint policy works well is when both partners are working, contributing an income into the household. If one partner were to die, the loss of their income would have a devastating effect on household finances. The benefits of a joint policy outweigh not having a policy at all. Consider the following:

  • A joint policy pays out irrespective of which partner dies
  • With only one regular payment, it is often a cheaper option than paying for two separate policies, hence a more viable option in financial difficulties
  • Provides peace of mind, and is an excellent solution for a couple with no children, and irrespective of marital status, but who have perhaps a joint mortgage, other debts and overheads to worry about
  • Regardless of whether both parties are working, a joint policy provides cover for stay at home parents, covering those crucial but expensive childcare costs should the primary child carer pass away

The disadvantages need consideration before embarking upon a joint policy:

  • A joint policy, although states the word “joint” will only payout on the first death, leaving a surviving dependant uninsured and possibly in difficulty to get a new policy
  • If you and your partner go through a separation or divorce, the policy is indivisible
  • If one partner stops paying monthly premiums, the policy will lapse, leaving both parties without insurance. If the split is amicable, one or both parties can renegotiate the terms of the cover.

What is the difference between joint life insurance and single life insurance?

To sum up, the only benefit to taking out a joint policy is financial. It is marginally cheaper than two single policies, but in the long term may not benefit both parties in the event of a death or if the parties separate.

The best advice is to examine both options, joint and single life insurance. If you are young, in good health and a non-smoker, your single life insurance policy may actually work out cheaper in the end and provide a great deal more flexibility and independence for each partner. 

We are here to help with any enquiry regarding life insurance, be it joint, single, decreasing or fixed term. Simply click on the button and receive expert advice today.

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Types of Life Insurance Series – Term Life Insurance

First of our three-part series on different types of life insurance. Every Friday for the next five weeks we will cover, in-depth, various types of life insurance policies.

Are you confused about the variety of options surrounding life insurance? Relax; we are here to explain each aspect of life insurance in detail so that you can decide which type of life insurance policy is best for you.

Let’s kick this off, starting with term insurance.

This is possibly the most common type of life insurance policy that young adults take out. The policy runs for a specific time of an insured person’s life, usually 25 years in line with a mortgage term.

When we think about it, this is the time that many adults would be most vulnerable if their partner were to pass away. Specifically, the time in life, when a young couple gets married, buys a home and has children. If one partner unexpectedly dies, due to illness or an accident, the financial situation would be extremely worrying. Suddenly alone with children, an abrupt drop in income impacts on the following:

  • monthly mortgage repayments
  • regular household bills
  • expensive child-care
  • weekly shopping
  • savings

Different life insurance policies can provide protection for loved ones

All of the things that we manage as a couple and take for granted suddenly become an enormous burden to bear financially.

Taking out term insurance policy provides comfort and peace of mind in such sad circumstances. Term life insurance certainly eases the financial burden for loved ones struggling with the loss of a partner or parent. At the very least, the mortgage is taken care of and, at most, a lump sum to help with the day to day living expenses. Thus allowing the surviving partner to continue to live without any financial hardship, ensuring the children are cared for until they are old enough to fend for themselves.

Due to the cost-effectiveness and practicalities of term insurance, it is by far a more conventional policy for many young couples. Moreover, it provides a level of flexibility and is customisable to fit particular circumstances or preferences.

We can break down term insurance into two categories:

Level term – The policy term is for a fixed time, and the monthly premiums are the same until the policy ends. Nothing changes; the cover and payout in the event of a claim remain fixed throughout the term of the policy. This type of life insurance policy is particularly advantageous for couples who have an interest-only mortgage and children. Providing extra cover, beyond the mortgage term, gives extra financial stability if one parent passes away.

Decreasing term – In line with a mortgage or other debt, the term and premium remains fixed. Still, the payout in the event of death reduces each month (usually in line with a repayment mortgage). Because this type of insurance only covers a repayment mortgage debit, the premiums are far cheaper. Therefore, it is very popular with professional couples with no children.

Life insurance protects the family home

There is no doubt that a mortgage is, by far, the most substantial debt most couples will incur. Protecting the family home undoubtedly the most critical factor for any couple with children. It is extremely wise, while couples are young, to consider insurance as a crucial financial investment.

With life insurance, whether it is a fixed term of decreasing term provides peace of mind, reduces any financial risks to surviving spouses and dependents. Taking out life insurance when you are young will impact significantly on premiums. Especially if you are young, do not smoke, are in good health and do not partake in risky activities.

Different life insurance to cover every eventuality

Like anything in life; car insurance, contents insurance, buildings insurance, then chances are nothing will happen to induce a claim. However, when something does happen, the relief that insurance brings far outweighs the costs of those premiums. Insurance is sound financial planning.

Tune in next Friday where we will look at the benefits and drawbacks of joint insurance policies.

In the meantime you can speak to one of our extremely friendly and helpful FSA regulated advisors, simply click and fill in the form.

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Plan your life insurance in advance like a war hero

Sir Winston Churchill was a firm proponent of life insurance.

He stated:

“If I had my way, I would write the word ‘insure’ upon the door of every cottage and upon the blotting book of every public man, because I am convinced, for sacrifices so small, families and estates can be protected against catastrophes which would otherwise smash them up forever.”

Sir Winston had his very own life insurance policy in 1896 when he was 21, just before he left to serve his country as the second Lieutenant with the 4th (Queen’s Own) Hussars in 1896.

According to the Aviva archives:

“As a young officer in the 4th Queen’s Own Hussars, Winston Churchill took out a personal accident policy with the Accident Insurance Company Ltd (No.2). The policy covered accidental death for £1,000, with lesser benefits in the event of disablement” 

The archives also provide more information on Mr Churchill’s life insurance policy as follows:

“The annual premium of £6 14s (£6.70) included risks from steeplechasing and other forms of racing, plus travel and temporary residence outside Europe.”

The wonder of Winston Churchill and his legendary altercations and unhealthy habits undoubtedly indicate a substantial premium in today’s market. His quote: “You must put your head into the lion’s mouth if the performance is to be a success” accurately described his risky attitude to life. While he rode his horses into battle, on the racetrack on the polo field, escaped death from his numerous serious car accidents and smoked, drank and ate like there was no tomorrow. In today’s culture of risk aversion, his monthly premium would surely reflect his precarious habits adversely! 

Have a look at the Aviva archive to see his famous signature on the policy document, and some other notable names insured.

Altogether, a charismatic and intriguing human being with colossal presence. However, today, sadly, Sir Winston’s name has alternative insurance connotations to many, and not always remembered for his leadership skills. In fact, despite his literary accomplishments, political reforms and wartime heroics, Winston Churchill continues to allude many youngsters, who frequently refer to him as a “boss of an insurance company” or a nodding British bulldog!

Sir Winston understood the facts about life insurance!

One thing is clear, Sir Winston Churchill had the right idea about life insurance, and the reasoning behind his support of protecting loved ones is still pertinent today. Despite these facts, incredibly, many people fail to secure the financial security and future of their loved ones with a suitable life insurance policy. 

Life insurance as a product has evolved over the years to reflect modern living and may appear complicated, as no two policies are the same. However, necessity has driven change and demand. With advancements in medicine and technology, coupled with the vast amount of products and providers sees premiums driven down and it is easier than ever to obtain life insurance for very little outlay. Of course, this depends on individual circumstances, and it is essential to talk to a professional to get the right advice and, of course, the right cover. 

As expert life insurance advisors, with innovative technologies and extensive knowledge of the market, you can rely on us to provide impartial, practical advice on life insurance cover to suit you and your loved ones.

In the words of wise Sir Winston, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”. How we construe his meaningful quote is subjective. Ultimately, when a partner, parent, primary caregiver dies, the debts and living expenses often become untenable for those left behind. Life insurance mitigates a myriad of difficulties, from dealing with grief, paying the mortgage each month, ensuring children can go to college. The list is endless.  Ending on one more appropriate quote: “It is not in our power to anticipate our destiny.” — Winston Churchill, 1932

As a family, do not let life insurance be an afterthought, make it a priority! 

Get in touch with us, call or use the form below, and one of our expert life insurance advisors will be in touch.



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Life insurance and vaping

Are you, like us, noticing a sudden drop in the number of people vaping? Only a couple of months back vaping surrounded us like an enveloping fog of sweet cinnamon.  Suddenly, without warning the epidemic of vaping appears to have disappeared, literally, from the earth.  The reason might be down to the recent deaths attributed to vaping, although it is not yet clear the exact cause, some blaming the chemicals used in the flavouring.

What is vaping?

Many people believe that vaping is a new-fangled invention. But you may be surprised to know that vaping has been around since 1963 when an American businessperson named Herbert Gilbert developed the logic behind a battery-powered vapour cigarette.  You can actually see the original patent here.

Fascinating stuff when you realise his invention stemmed from watching his aunt bake cookies in a fire powered oven, the lovely smell of baking cookies propelled Herbert to attempt a “safe” cigarette!

Fast forward a few decades to China, and we find a businessperson by the name of Hon Lik, whose father died from lung cancer attributed to heavy smoking. Honk Lik came up with an alternative to smoking regular tobacco, with his version of the e-cigarette, believed to be a safer version of inhaling a vapour from a heated up liquid as opposed to smoke from burning tobacco. Ok, fast forward sixteen years or so to where we are today and, suddenly, a business valued at $9 Billion in the US alone, is plummeted into one of doubt and fear with a sudden outbreak in vapour related deaths.

What is the cause of the sudden vapour related deaths?

The medical profession is perplexed about the actual cause of deaths; they are questioning some of the synthetic additives, particularly the possibility of toxic ingredients in black market products. Currently, they are examining the contents of synthetic CBD and THC (constituents of the cannabis plant), plus common additives such as Vitamin E acetate and other adulterants. Another aspect of the industry under scrutiny are the scented oils when inhaled, coat the lungs and cause respiratory failure.

Are there any deaths in the UK from vaping?

In the UK luckily no deaths, as yet, but at least 200 health issues including respiratory disorders and heart problems, all linked to vaping. The fact that no one has died has led to a backlash to the anti-vaping campaign from some organisations such as PHE (Public Health England.) The argument is that vaping remains a much safer alternative than regular cigarettes and, if used correctly, may save the lives of thousands of people who turn to vaping to help them quit smoking. They link the American vaping related deaths with black market products containing deadly toxins.

However, medical experts in the UK are increasingly concerned about other ingredients causing health issues, such as vegetable oil coating the lungs. It must be remembered that it took many years before smoking cigarettes linked with lung cancer, let us not go down the same route with vaping.

As the vaping industry is relatively new and has taken off in such an immense and popular manner, with limited regulation, doctors do not really know yet what they are dealing with. The message from the medical profession generally is “do not vape until they have these vapour related deaths figured out”.

Will vaping affect my life insurance policy?

Some life insurance companies are already beginning to sit up and take notice.  If you vape this may affect your life insurance premiums in the future. Many insurers are not concerned about vaping if the electronic device does not contain nicotine.  However, Zurich and Aviva are changing their policies to identify vaping as the same as regular cigarettes, regardless of the ingredients.  Until the medical industry can safely rule on the safety of vaping, vape addicts will need to look elsewhere for that vapour hit.

In the meantime, if you are at all concerned contact your insurance broker or company for more advice.  If you are thinking about life insurance, or wish to talk to us, click on the button below, fill in our form, and a friendly, professional life insurance agent will be in touch.

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We need to talk……about life insurance

What is a difficult subject to think about, let alone discuss? Answer: dying. Second on that list of challenging topics: life insurance. The two go hand in hand for personal finance planning, especially when you are a) young and b) have a family who depends upon you. We get it, life insurance is a complicated (and perhaps tad uninteresting) subject to talk about!

Consider why life insurance is important.

If you are young with a family that depends upon you, either for the main income or as primary caregiver, or both, we need to talk about why life insurance is essential.

When we are young, we consistently buck against the concept of growing old. We look at our parents, grandparents, never imagining that one day we will be in their shoes, living their life. But hey, it happens ok! We all grow older, and hopefully, our lives will be enriched by our experiences. Be it travel, education, fulfilling careers, great books and films, memorable evenings out with good friends.

Life insurance is cheaper when you are young and healthy.

For most of us, we will meet that certain someone, lock eyes across a crowded room and never want to look away again! When that event occurs, well let us just say welcome to an entirely new world. Marriage, mortgage, children, life is never the same again. But in a great way!

Why life insurance is vital as a cornerstone of financial planning

It was that moment, that eye-locking moment, which changed the course of your life, especially financially! Careers and mortgages go hand in hand, starting a family may put a strain on finances, but somehow you manage, as a team. You look after your property and your loved ones, those that rely and depend upon you. Financially and as a caregiver.

When it comes to finances, you think you have it all sorted, mortgage payments, savings, investments, pensions. What about insurance? You may have the obvious, e.g. contents and buildings insurance, you will be fine if you are the victim of a house robbery or fire. One missing cornerstone of your financial planning will likely be life insurance.

Why do I need life insurance? 

To put it bluntly, who knows what the future holds for any of us? But having a plan to prevent extreme financial suffering and heartache for our loved ones is the best course of action. Recent research carried out by AIG Life concluded that, as we previously stated, most adults prefer to bury their head and presume that the worst will not happen. As a result of their research, AIG has coined the tagline “illness denial.”

The reality, however, is that nothing could be further from the truth, with the three major causes of death in the UK being cancer, heart disease and strokes. According to the AIG, this worrying trend of “illness denial” causes people being unprepared financially if they were to fall to any one of these life-threatening, common diseases.

Ready to talk about why life insurance is important?

Even more reason why we need to talk. Talk about taking practical steps to plan and prepare for the worse, for the risk of serious illness and death.

Plan for the future of our loved ones, should the unthinkable occur and they lose you. You can help them to burden not only the grief but also the hardship of selling the family home and relying upon others to help carry this unnecessary financial load.

Get to know our friendly team of life insurance advisors, ready to answer your questions, provide sympathetic support and solutions to any issues about life insurance you might be pondering or experiencing.

When it comes to talking about life insurance, we speak your language.

Our focus is on you as a person, not as a commodity. We are motivated to find the best resolution for your personal circumstances; we have real people, not robots or answer machines. Most importantly, we speak your language.

Speak to one of our advisors and find out about the various life insurance policies on offer, (there is one for just about everybody on the planet!). We can advise on the costs and benefits of life insurance, simply complete our online form or give us a call.

There is no obligation and no pressure!



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Three good points about life insurance

Whatever the future holds in store, having life insurance is a sure-fire way to protect your loved ones.  Consider life insurance as a risk management strategy to protect those dependent upon you financially.

Every day of our lives is a celebration, and everyone needs to appreciate life and live it to the fullest. Our memories are something to treasure, especially those shared with loved ones, those who enrich our lives and make it worth living.

It is crucial to protect not only our memories, keeping them alive with photographs and stories, but also those that make our lives unique. Staying safe and looking after our health is paramount, as is looking after our loved ones. These are just some of the necessary actions we can take. Health and wellbeing ensure we live long prosperous lives, enjoying each moment and making the most of each day.

Of course there are yet unseen emergencies, completely out of our control.  Life insurance is merely a component to have in place, making sure loved ones and dependants are cared for if the unforeseen ever did occur.

For many people with young families, life insurance is a foregone conclusion, while others do not consider it of great importance. How do you know if you need to apply for life insurance/

We have put together three crucial points to chew over.  Pointers to ruminate and decide whether life insurance is relevant to you and, if so, what type of cover suits.  These are the circumstances you ought to be thinking about when deciding if you want to take it further.

Point 1: There are too many different types of life insurance policies

Many people are anxious about life insurance that it is expensive, or it might not pay out in the worst-case scenario. However, a little research, reading up and gaining a reasonable understanding of the differing types of life insurance can help with that all-important decision-making process. In reality, the number of different policies is low and a good advisor will talk you through the most common types and advise which one would suit your personal circumstances.

Here is a quick synopsis of the most common types of policies:

Term Life Assurance provides a basic life insurance policy with minimum input from the policyholder.  Choose how much and for how long you require cover.  Doing the maths is important, ensure sufficient life insurance policy to cover and protect considerable loans, e.g. mortgages, car loans, university fees etc.  When you receive a quote you are happy with and wish to proceed, simply pay each month for your policy.  If you pass away during the term, the policy will payout to your loved ones.

There are some flexible options available such as:

  • Level term – refers to the sum insured, i.e. it remains level throughout the policy
  • Decreasing term – relates to the premiums decreasing over a specific period.  Generally reducing in line with mortgage repayments.  In this case, protecting for the remaining mortgage term if you pass away.  In this example, when the mortgage clears the policy comes to a natural end.
  • Increasing term – the sum insured increases in line with inflation.

Different policies attract different premiums, and it is essential to speak with an advisor to ensure you get the right policy at the right price.

Point 2:  Is it worth having life insurance? Am I too young to even think about life insurance?

It is easy to dismiss life insurance when you are in your 20 or 30s, without realising the arbitrary reality of nature, life’s difficulties, and the prevalence of serious illnesses.

When momentous life events take place such as getting married, buying a house, having children, these milestones should trigger the realisation of the importance of life insurance. Life insurance protects your loved ones in the unfortunate circumstances of ill health or death related diseases.

The benefits of life insurance far outweigh the price of a policy, especially taking out a policy in your 20s or 30s. Apart from the financial benefits to your loved ones facing monthly bills in the event of the loss of a source of income from a significant breadwinner, with very little or no life savings, taking out cover at a young age will save thousands on premiums in the long term.

Protecting loved ones from financial hardship in the event of your passing away need not cost a vast amount, whereas the price of peace of mind is priceless.

Point 3:  Can I trust the insurance company to payout in the event of a claim?

There is a misconception surrounding insurance companies denying claims.   Remember that insurance companies in the UK come under strict scrutiny from regulators and the press. A claim denied would only occur in certain instances, hence the importance of obtaining good advice when completing the application form.

Common reasons for invalidation include:

  • The policy expired
  • Unpaid premiums
  • Reasons for the cause of death (e.g. suicide, drug overdose, extreme sporting accident)
  • Falsification or misrepresentation (all life insurance policies will have a clause to cover this point, for example ticking the non-smoking box but then diagnosed as lung cancer due to smoking)

Other factors that may delay a claim requiring investigation include:

  • Beneficiary disputes
  • Homicide or death occurring soon after the issue of policy

You will want to safeguard a smooth and prompt payout to your loved ones in the event of your passing away.  Hence it is crucial to provide as much information as required, leaving nothing to chance and providing an accurate representation of health and hobbies. Include mental health issues and all family medical history.  Speaking to one of our advisors will ensure no mistakes or misrepresentations and a straightforward process in the event of a claim.

On a positive note, recent statistics confirm a 98% successful payout from life insurance companies in the UK, a testament to the great work provided by committed advisors.  It is essential to take on board all the elements of a life insurance policy application.  Rather than treating this significant financial advantage as a “one-click” solution, take time out to talk through every aspect, thereby obtaining correct cover right from the start.

Our team are on hand to answer any question about life insurance.  Plus other types of protection you might be interested in, for example, critical illness, mortgage and income protection, all the essential financial elements required to protect yourself and your family.

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Life insurance for newlyweds

Just married?

Congratulations to all the newlyweds out there. When the honeymoon is over, and reality kicks in, protecting each other both with emotional and financial support is tantamount.  After all, this is what partnership is all about and the vows taken by you as a couple reflect this.  Now is the time to consider a unique wedding gift to each other!

When young couples set out as a married couple, they may wish to buy a house and have children.  Planning is exciting, and the last thing on their minds is dying.  However, having an awareness of the possibility of one partner dying is crucial. According to the Child Bereavement UK organisation, “a parent of children under 18 dies every 22 minutes in the UK; around 23,600 a year. This equates to around 111 children being bereaved of a parent every day”.

These are extremely sad and shocking statistics, but you have the ability to protect your loved ones should the worst-case scenario happen.

Receiving advice and help to understand the range of options available should be at the top of the wedding list and sorting out this aspect of newlywed finances need not break the bank if the newlyweds are young and healthy. Young couples are low risk, and therefore, the monthly premiums and range of companies in this a competitive market offer low cost policies. You could see your monthly premiums from as little as £10 per month.

Insurance companies use risk to calculate premiums for life insurance is based on risk, with the following factors being essential elements:

  • Age
  • Smoker/non-smoker
  • Type of life insurance policy required
  • Length of term
  • Sum covered

Other issues affect premiums, such as:

  • Pre-existing health issues
  • Hazardous occupations
  • Professional sport players
  • Extreme or dangerous hobbies

The higher the risk, the more expensive the premium!  If you’ve ever been refused or declined a life insurance policy, contact our team of dedicated professional advisors to discuss various solutions and options.

Do newlyweds need life insurance?

As a newly married couple, you will need to consider each other’s circumstances and plan accordingly. Ask yourselves the question: “If I were to die, what impact will my death have on my loved ones”? On the other hand, “financially would my wife/husband/partner/children suffer in any way if I were to pass away”?

How would they cope with the following?

  • Monthly mortgage repayments
  • Other monthly repayments such as debts or car finances
  • Everyday household bills and shopping
  • Childcare
  • Savings for the children’s future such as university etc.

If you were no longer around, your other half would carry the burden of these costs alone, how would they manage financially? Would they suffer?

Funeral costs are rising

According to recent figures, an average funeral might cost more than you think. Shockingly the cost of dying might even set you back a cool £8,000. (Source: SunLife Cost of Dying Report, 2017). Of course, there are cheaper options, but would your family manage to find the funds if you were to suffer an unexpected early death? This financial burden is avoidable and affordable, simply by including this aspect of cover within your life insurance policy.

Newlyweds with a mortgage should take out life insurance

It makes sense that a joint mortgage will be difficult to pay if one partner were to pass away. Imagine your loved one struggling to meet the monthly payments, falling into debt and possibly repossession. Taking out a life insurance policy mitigates this financial burden, acting in a gallant way to ensure the surviving partner will continue to live in the family home comfortably, without the added strain of worrying about the monthly mortgage repayments.

Raising children and childcare costs

According to recent studies, the overall cost of raising a child from birth to the age of 21 is approximately £227,226 (Source: CEBR report – Cost of Raising a Child).

Childcare costs for any family, let alone one-parent families, have escalated in recent years, according to one article by the Financial Times, childcare in some regions of the UK is a staggering £9,100 per year.

It is, therefore, essential that parents consider this when planning a family.  Life insurance will cover such costs of raising a child if one parent were to pass away.

Life insurance will provide the peace of mind, especially for the primary breadwinner, knowing that loved ones will cope financially.  In addition, for a stay at home parent, life insurance is vital to have in place.  Life insurance paid out to the primary breadwinner will cover future costs of childcare, or ease the financial burden of monthly bills enabling that parent to spend time with the children and provide significant financial and emotional support.

How much life insurance do newlyweds need?

Grab a pen, paper, and calculator to work out the amount of cover required.  Make a list to take into account the following:

  • Total mortgage balance remaining
  • All debts and car costs
  • The number of years of lost income (10 is a good starting point)
  • Childcare costs if the surviving parent remains working
  • Ages of children or other dependents
  • Household living expenses including bills and shopping
  • Regular payments to savings

Talk these figures through with each other.  Ensure that you both agree.  Consider the rising costs of living and think about future-proofing your children’s education needs.

What is the best life insurance policy for married couples?

For many newly married couples, the best life insurance policy is often the most affordable one available. There are several options to choose from, but perhaps the most popular (due to its cost-effectiveness) is a decreasing term life insurance policy. A cheaper choice of life insurance due to it taking into account the decreasing payout in line with the mortgage balance. Whatever happens, the policy will cover any mortgage balance, plus any debts requiring cover under this type of policy.

Another option is level term life insurance where thecover remains fixed, regardless of when you pass away. For example, a life insurance policy with a payout of £250,000 to cover a mortgage will pay out £250,000 even in the event of a paid off in full mortgage within the term of the policy.

If children are a substantial part of future plans, then family income benefit is a advantageous policy to consider.  Essentially this policy replaces a lost income for a fixed term. Family income benefit provides loved ones with a regular monthly payment up to £5000, easily sufficient to cover mortgage and household regular payments. The beauty of family income benefit is that it is a tax-free monthly payment.

What about life insurance for couples getting married in their 50s?

Healthy couples who marry later in life have some life insurance choices. One to consider is whole of life insurance that will last for a lifetime and provides a guaranteed payout when you pass away. The option of the whole of life insurance does involve some health checks and more expensive premiums. Equally important is to ensure the correct level of cover; too much cover is a waste of money, too little will leave the insured wishing they had bought more. Our trained advisors will help you to calculate and determine how much cover exactly you require.

For non-smokers, a cheap life insurance option for newly married couples is the over 50s life insurance policy. Popular due to its eliminated requirement of health checks and affordable premiums. However, the cover provides less cover,  but still a  preferred option for many over 50s due to its ability to cover expensive funeral costs or to leave an inheritance for loved ones.

Newlyweds looking for cost-effective methods of life insurance will find that most insurance policies allow for joint life insurance — certainly a cheaper option but with some caveats to bear in mind. A joint policy is actually one policy split between two people, and when one partner dies, the policy expires after payout. The surviving partner will need to take out a new policy if the cover is required to continue.

What about critical illness cover for newlyweds?

Critical illness cover can form part of your life insurance policy, or provided separately as stand-alone cover. It is possible (and essential) to check the essential illness definitions as found in the list of illnesses covered by the insurer.  Cover can help pay your mortgage, rent or debts, also with private medical treatment, home alterations.

Another consideration is terminal illness cover, often this comes as standard with most life insurance policies and will provide an early payout in the sad event that you are diagnosed with an illness dramatically shortening your life.

In conclusion

Calling all newlyweds! It is crucial to realise the benefits of life insurance. It need not be expensive, especially for young, healthy couples and premiums fixed, saving money over the long term.

Speaking to our dedicated team of advisors will help you to tailor your cover to match your budget. For as little as £10 per month, your partner will not have the extra burden of money worries in this challenging time dealing with the loss of a loved one.

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